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Free Resources

Counter-terrorist and general threat risk mitigation is about much more than security measures. Here's general information on what services are needed to protect your organisation and staff. Some of this is restricted to members only but you can become a Member of the 'MI Family' for free.

Mitigation International Brochures

MI Capabilities

Access and download our latest brochures which outline the capabilities we have developed for counter-terrorism and risk mitigation.

Members Library - Mitigation International

Recommended Briefings & Research.

Each month we'll add at least 6 reports we believe will make a difference to your risk mitigation. This is restricted to members only viewing. Membership is free.

Crsis and Threat Helpline- Mitigation international

Crisis & Threat Helpline

As part of your free membership with MI you will be able to access confidential emergency advice whenever confronted by major incidents, or threat of attacks.

Mitigation International Ltd, registered in the United Kingdom, registration number 14356844,

Registered address: 1 Oak Court, 67-72 Bethel Road, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 3UE

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